Novel ponder 5

Ivan wants to put Ruby in a zoo because she is still a baby and does not know how to protect her self from the other animals out in the wild. And if Ruby goes to the zoo she can all the care she needs and the food.

What have you done this Ponder before ???????

Best day EVER!!!

My favourite sport was tug of war were you have to make two even teams theirs a big rope in the middle you  have to pull  the rope to the other side to win and the bucket game were you have to spin the bucket with water inside it and hop to the next lane.

I think gorillas shouldn’t live at malls because they might escape and attack innocent people. I think when ivan draws he thinks about his family.

Do you think gorillas should live at a mall?

Do you think Ivan is lonely without any gorilla friends?

If u were a gorilla, where  would u want to live ?

Kia ora bloggers i have bean learning this week to work as a team. Ask question,share our thinking, and learning, explaining details.